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Mon - Fri 08.00 - 17.00 WIB
We are glad to inform you that PT. Multi Indojaya Makmur is a company specialized dealing with fabrication and reparation. We always do our best in production to all off our customers and always expand our market share in Indonesia. Our company is more superior and better than other similiar companies due to: 1. We have certified experts in each sub occupation. 2. We are using certified materials to meet the demand of all our customers. 3. As partner and holder brands of " AMMERAAL BELT" and " UNI CHAIN" which are famous around the world, and is appointed directly from Singapore to sell the above products to all Indonesia. 4. Our factory area is 2.100 m2 and the building area is 1.800 m2, located in Cikeas Udik, Gunung putri Bogor. The products we offer are as follows: a. Manufacturing and engineering system. b. Contruction build warehouse and factory. c. Specialist modular conveyeor system, modification existing, aligment services conveyor. d. Specialist fabrication for food and pharmacy industry. e. Specialist splicing belt conveyor( hot and cold endless system). f. Supply belting conveyeor and modular belt. g. Flat belt, curve, loading screw, bucket, table top chain, and wire mesh conveyor. h. Pressure, double jacket, mixer and storage tank. i. Pass Box, dust collector system and factory automation.
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We are glad to inform you that PT. Multi Indojaya Makmur is a company specialized dealing with fabrication and reparation. We always do our best in production to all off our customers and always expand our market share in Indonesia. Our company is more superior and better than other similiar companies due to:1. We have certified experts in each sub occupation.2. We are using certified materials to meet the demand of all our customers.3. As partner and holder brands of " AMMERAAL BELT" and " UNI CHAIN" which are famous around the world, and is appointed directly from Singapore to sell the above products to all Indonesia.4. Our factory area is 2.100 m2 and the building area is 1.800 m2, located in Cikeas Udik, Gunung putri Bogor.The products we offer are as follows:a. Manufacturing and engineering system.b. Contruction build warehouse and factory.c. Specialist modular conveyeor system, modification existing, aligment services conveyor.d. Specialist fabrication for food and pharmacy industry.e. Specialist splicing belt conveyor( hot and cold endless system).f. Supply belting conveyeor and modular belt.g. Flat belt, curve, loading screw, bucket, table top chain, and wire mesh conveyor.h. Pressure, double jacket, mixer and storage tank.i. Pass Box, dust collector system and factory automation.
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PT. MULTI INDOJAYA MAKMUR bergerak di bidang bengkel, pembuatan dan perbaikan mesin pabrik makanan, farmasi,Rumah Sakit dan lainnya. PT. MULTI INDOJAYA MAKMUR didukung oleh tenaga ahli yang berpengalaman di bidangnya masing-masing, dengan mesin dan peralatan kerja yang lengkap. Kami mampu dan bertanggung jawab atas kepercayaan pelanggan terhadap kami. Produk-produk kami diantaranya : Pass Box,Air Shower, Scrub Sink, Ribbbon Mixer, Storage Tank, Mixing Tank, Conveyor Belt, dll.
Jl. Raya Cikeas Bojongnangka, kp Tlajung Rt.003/Rw014 no.40, ds cekas udik . gunung putri Bogor 16966 Bogor , Indonesia